Saturday, May 31, 2014

I salvaged, repurposed, painted over several 12" older paintings this week

Thursday, May 15, 2014

 Hey - this is the last weekend (May 17-18) for WEST Austin Studio Tour 2014 - and this spankin new contraption (work in progress) is a shelter for homeless artists or anyone else and you will either come see it or live the rest of your life wondering...

This is very much a prototype - as the completed version will be mobile, functioning as a shelter and personal space for the homeless artists.
Homelss art construction

Sunday, May 11, 2014

This portion of WEST Austin studio has ended.  One down, one to go. Thanks to all the people who visited.  It was rewarding to see you and hear what you have to say.  A special thanks to  those who put down their hard earned money and bought work - that means a lot on several layers.  If you did not make it out to the tour this weekend I hope to see you next weekend - its really great to see friends I rarely get to see.  Happy Trails.

Friday, May 9, 2014

 WEST Austin studio tour starts tomorrow
 I did a little clean up - threw out the big messy garbage

and here we go

 This is the puppy that dug its way into our hearts
 Jaydee at enchanted rock a couple years ago
 We knew she was sick but held onto the possibility that she would live a while longer or maybe even get better
 Even in her last days she made the effort to go outside - lay in the sun and trot a bit - but she was weak and in pain and we knew we had only a few days left with her
Not a good dog - but a Great Dog.  Very much missed.
         Jaydee girl.